About me

Who Am I ?

My name is Francisco Moctezuma, I'm just another computer guy who loves to work and play with OpenSource software and cloud.
I define myself as a Linux enthusiast, I truly enjoy learning new things everyday basically self-studying, I'm currently working as OpenStack Administrator for Rackspace in San Antonio Texas.

Born and raised in the beautiful state of Veracruz, Mexico, Living the life of a sysadmin who also loves good coffee, tacos, handcrafted beer, adventure riding, and hangout with my family.

By the way some of my favorite quotes about it

“Never underestimate how much assistance, how much satisfaction, how much comfort, how much soul and transcendence there might be in a well-made taco and a cold bottle of beer.”

Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

"Learn from your mistakes is good, learn from someone else's mistakes is better"

Thomas A Limoncelli, Time management for system administrators

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone, fear no distance"

Why we ride - The movie

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Open Source Love
This is a personal blog, The content of this blog, ideas and things said here do not represent the position of my actual employer.